Author: Christine
in all the in-between
I don’t mean to be controversial, but I am not a huge fan of Oreos (I know, I know- the scandal.) It is just that food items that have one texture on the outside and another on the inside give me the icks. But one thing I do admire about the Oreo is that it is one of the…
a song worth seeing
As I mentioned in my last post, I was recently asked to review and blog about a movie that will be coming out September 26th called The Song. This whole “reviewing things” is a niche I accidentally stumbled into after getting to guest blog with Jen Hatmaker and review her re-release of Interrupted in a little…
good news/bad news/new news
A tiny little tidbit of info that I didn’t share with you last week… That little post I put up last Monday about me twitter-stalking my favorite author -Jen Hatmaker – was kind of a big deal. I actually got asked to write about her book, Interrupted, and that post was actually an official review of the…
the rest of the story
I have forever found stories fascinating and always wanted to dig deeper into people’s lives and really “get them.” Perhaps that is why my degree is in Psychology (or was that more because I didn’t quite know what I wanted to do with my life and at least the classes were interesting?) Any-hoo… Growing up, I…
a million sin-miles away (my testimony)
As I mentioned in my last post, I recently got to share my testimony with my new church family at Austin Ridge Bible Church. In doing so, I realized I had never really never shared the story of how I came to faith on this blog and thought that should be remedied immediately – because the thing is…
I swear I won’t cry/make you cry in this post. I MEAN… WOW– I think there’s been enough of all that for awhile. So thanks for crying alongside me a couple weeks ago about our sweet puppy dog (if you haven’t read that yet and feel like bawling your eyes out and snotting all over yourself, please help yourself…
ode to the pee-pie
(be sure to click “show images” for this piece.) As I sat sniffling in my bathtub yet again last night, I berated myself for just how ludicrous this really is. I should NOT be this upset, especially after 3 weeks. I should NOT be so inconsolably, unreasonably, heartbrokenly sad over this. I am so ashamed and embarrassed about it,…
cats and other metaphors
Sorry to have been a stranger, dear reader, but life has been happening. And by happening, I mean imploding in small bits all around and inside of me, making it very difficult to sign on and say hello and offer any level of encouragement. In fact, as of late, life has felt a lot more like…
good friday
Good Friday Who am I, that you’d suffer and die That your innocent blood would let So that I’d be redeemed and now be free To be the person I am not yet The nails that pierced your hands and feet Were my sins you chose to bear Beaten and bruised on my behalf With…