Good Friday
Who am I, that you’d suffer and die
That your innocent blood would let
So that I’d be redeemed and now be free
To be the person I am not yet
The nails that pierced your hands and feet
Were my sins you chose to bear
Beaten and bruised on my behalf
With thorns still in your hair
They hung you among common thieves
Though you were spotless as the snow
Oh, your love for me, no depth nor height
This world could ever know
How weak my flesh that you should suffer
To wash my sins away
There are not tears enough that I could cry
To thank you for that day
In a culture that thinks Easter is all about and marshmallow peeps and magical bunnies, let’s be people that take a moment to remember what this Sunday is really about. Because Jesus lives, we can all have a hope in eternity and believe in his promise of salvation. This is wonderful thing and something to celebrate for sure!
But before there was a Sunday, there first had to be a Friday. Before there was victory and redemption and healing, there was first suffering and separation. Take a moment today to reflect on how much God loves you and what He did for you on this Good Friday.
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