there was an emptiness inside of me
that hungered for sweet relief
it called like a chasm, it burned like a fire
from loneliness, heartache, and grief
i tried to feed it the world and its lies
its theories, quick-fixes, and sin
but that only fed the unrelenting flames
and I’d find myself empty again
I stitched life together with fear-colored thread
trying to mend my own pain
I’d stand back and admire my own handiwork
just until the wound opened the same
then I heard someone say that You made me this way
that Your Word is to be food for my soul
that this was Your Plan to bring me back again
with these beautiful God-shaped holes
so feed me My Father. fill in these holes
and push out the world when you do
My Father, My Maker, oh Seamstress of Souls
all that can heal me is you
smooth out the scars but leave just a trace
so I can remember in awe
all that’s been healed by your mercy and grace
and in wholeness, now answer your call
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