Tag: poetry



    HI Y’ALL! I appreciate all your sweet messages and thanks for checking on me. In answer to the two questions I get asked most: YES I am still writing and YES I am still in seminary. In fact, I have been writing up a storm and am set to graduate in May. And in addition…

  • WAIT

    a poem about suffering and what it means to W A I T what I wouldn’t give to rise from this window seat of longing and brave my way into the gray and through the gray to part the veil that obscures life from Light drown this sorrow in your river; crystal, to its verdant…

  • good friday

    Good Friday Who am I, that you’d suffer and die That your innocent blood would let So that I’d be redeemed and now be free To be the person I am not yet The nails that pierced your hands and feet Were my sins you chose to bear Beaten and bruised on my behalf With…

  • good friday

    Good Friday Who am I, that you’d suffer and die That your innocent blood would let So that I’d be redeemed and now be free To be the person I am not yet The nails that pierced your hands and feet Were my sins you chose to bear Beaten and bruised on my behalf With…