Don’t shoot the messenger, y’all. This is a tough teaching. But chances are, you either have struggled with this, are wrestling with it a bit now, or know someone who has/is.
I am in Ephesians 5:18 today and it hurts a little. In this clip, I share some shocking statistics and tell the truth about my own struggles with over-drinking. Then I share what God really says about it and ways I am learning to hear his voice more clearly and choose peace over numb.
I know this is a longer, harder clip but stick with me if you can. I promise I’m not preaching at you and genuinely just want to walk alongside you on this. There’s some show & tell of a favorite picture at the end that might help give you a visual of my whole point too.
I would love to hear from you. Do these statistics shock you? Have you ever thought of drunkenness as debauchery? Would you drink less (or not at all) in exchange for more joy and peace? Be honest — this is a NO JUDGMENT ZONE.👇
Here’s some powerful wisdom from Bible Teacher, Jackie Hill Perry:

Here is a short playlist I put together to help you fight temptation:

Here are some saveable/shareable graphics for you:

*I hope you have enjoyed this email and video teaching series. If you would like to hear any of these topics expounded upon and taught live to your small group, women’s ministry or Bible study, please contact me to schedule.
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