Holy guacamole. I graduated from Seminary, y’all. And let me tell you something: It ain’t for sissies. It is one of the hardest things I’ve ever done and also one of most enriching experiences I will likely ever have.

…you ask. To be honest, I went in with more than a little fear, a lot of questions and some serious skepticism. I was deeply afraid that digging deep might expose holes in the story or fractures in the logic. I feared finding that the accusations–that faith is nothing but a fable, that Jesus is a comfort blanket for those desperate for some wishful thinking–might actually be true. But I also feared spending my life pursuing a fairy tale and teaching an untruth. I had to dig deep and know for sure. I was afforded that opportunity and then required to write approximately a billion papers about it all. I certainly hold *nuanced feelings* about those papers, but the forced responsibility of researching and formulating solid theological arguments strengthened my faith in unimaginable ways.
I am crazy-grateful for the professors and classmates that welcomed my questions and encouraged my journey. The beautiful thing is that questioning the documented history, scientific evidence and logical philosophy of the Christian worldview all convinced me further.
Not only is it all true, the truth is much richer and more beautiful than we could ever fathom or imagine.
And THE COMMUNITY! Can I just tell you what a gift it was to not be the biggest Jesus-geek in the room? It was amazing to be surrounded by folks who are pursuing truth and God with all their might, and to question, explore, encourage, and create with them. I am walking in fuller faith and purpose because of the encouragement of some very special people and I will be forever changed by the experience.
As rewarding as crossing the finish line is, this is just the beginning. Now is the time to finally answer the question everyone has been asking. “What’s next?” At first, that question would trigger a ton of anxiety in me. I didn’t have a clear answer for folks because God had not yet bothered to give me one. I would stumble through how I thought it might be this or that, all the while begging God under my breath to show me what was next. But a funny thing happened in the last year: I started to trust GOD’S plan instead of feeling pressure to forge my own. My need to know what was next began to give way to my unconditional yes. And as the chaos of 2020 swirled all around us, he began to make his rather surprising plan abundantly clear.
Y’all. I am launching a ministry and am still in shock over it. I have never had any interest in heading this direction, but I have always held a passion for welcoming everyone to the table, inviting the hard questions, and facilitating the awkward conversations for the purpose of making the real Jesus known. And, through a series of events only he could orchestrate, God has dropped this opportunity directly in my wide, squishy lap. So in addition to continuing to write and teach, I will be founding a ministry that encourages everyone toward an honest and humble exploration of the challenging truths and common misconceptions of Jesus’ teaching.
Because this is all in the works, I can’t say too much just yet, but let me tell you this: GOD HAS A SENSE OF HUMOR. I promise I will be announcing more very soon, so please stay tuned here. (If someone forwarded you this email, make sure and sign up to receive my emails directly so you can get the latest updates.)
In the meantime, can I ask for prayer? There are approximately eleventy-hundred steps to launching a ministry, most highly-detailed and super-intimidating, and I have a tendency to get overwhelmed by these types of things. I would specifically appreciate your prayers for discernment, courage and perseverance. I am trying to hold the whole thing with a very open (although somewhat trembly) hand.
Be sure to follow me on Instagram for more frequent updates as well. And please email me or message me and let me know how I can be praying for and encouraging you.
Love y’all and can’t wait to see what God has in store for us in our adventure together!
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