Tag: spiritual growth

  • deep earthy honey-soaked butterscotchy royal autumn gold

    Gold is my favorite color. And before all you ladies say AMEN, I don’t mean jewelry-gold (although that is quite nice and I am certainly not opposed to it). I also don’t mean sunshine or lemon or butter or dandelion yellow . I am talking about that deep, earthy, honey-soaked, butterscotchy, royal autumn gold. You…

  • a very good place to start

    Before I repost some of my other favorite pieces, it makes sense to first retell the story of how this journey as The Jesus Gypsy began. It is, quite frankly, my very favorite story to tell anyway (I am a sucker for good love and redemption stories, and this one is both.) 😉 Plus, I believe that when we…

  • once upon a time

    HOWDY STRANGER!!!  Hope you are well. I was thinking about you this morning and deeply missing the good ol’ days when I got to use my words for CREATING and CONNECTING instead of GRADING and GPA-ING. As you might remember, I used to do quite a bit of writing here and even had a few…

  • on Willie Nelson, Puppy Dogs, and the Holy Spirit

    I am essentially an expert emotional escape artist. I am also a professional performer. “PAY NO ATTENTION TO THE MAN BEHIND THE CURTAIN,” my life has shouted through the years. We moved around like gypsies growing up (I am currently living in my 38th house and have just turned 39.) Such a tumultuous upbringing meant…

  • victory celebration

      I am a sucker for baptisms.  They get me every time.  I don’t know why I even bother to wear makeup on Baptism Sunday because the sobbing is so severe, God help my mascara.  I so love the symbolism of being washed clean, of being made new, of being raised up in new life. I just can’t ever…

  • roots

    And now, just as you accepted Christ Jesus as your Lord, you must continue to follow him. Let your roots grow down into him, and let your lives be built on him. Then your faith will grow strong in the truth you were taught, and you will overflow with thankfulness.    Colossians 2:6-7 Scripture uses a…

  • there is a season

    Remember that late 60’s hit from The Byrds, Turn, Turn, Turn? “To everything (turn, turn, turn) There is a season (turn, turn, turn) And a time to every purpose, under heaven…”   We usually think of that song as an anthem for peace in a time of war, but did you know that the lyrics…

  • an onion, a flashlight, and a bar of soap

      Jesus is not who you think He is. But if it is any consolation, He isn’t who I thought He was, either. The more I read about him in scripture, the more I sit and talk with him in the morning over coffee, the more I cry out to him in the middle of…

  • in all the in-between

    I don’t mean to be controversial, but I am not a huge fan of Oreos (I know, I know- the scandal.)  It is just that food items that have one texture on the outside and another on the inside give me the icks. But one thing I do admire about the Oreo is that it is one of the…

  • hungry

    I love being hungry. Not physically of course (I don’t like THAT at all). I mean I love being spiritually hungry. I think faith has its seasons, or at lease mine seems to. There are times of hunger, times of growth, times of celebration and even times of quiet. They each have their place, their time, their…