Category: purpose
Walk in Love
How do we walk in love? Ephesians 5 poses this question while simultaneously giving us the answer: We walk in love by imitating love itself; by imitating God. If that feels overwhelming and impossible, I get it. And you’re right: in our own strength and brokenness, we cannot possibly imitate God and walk in love.…
Crazy Talk from a Hippie Poet
I recently taught on Ephesians 5 and how we are to walk in love, live as light, and love in unity. If that all sounds like hippie-poet talk, that is understandable because: I actually am a hippie poet. That is crazy talk and who knows what that all even means? However, I will be doing…
The Paradox of Purpose
We are all searching for significance and yearning for purpose. We are told to find ourselves, live our truth & follow our arrow. But what if it’s not about us? What if there’s more? What if there’s God? What if God planted & purposed our earning|yearning, hungering|thirsting to serve as the holy invitation to…