Tag: priorities



    Don’t shoot the messenger, y’all. This is a tough teaching. But chances are, you either have struggled with this, are wrestling with it a bit now, or know someone who has/is. I am in Ephesians 5:18 today and it hurts a little. In this clip, I share some shocking statistics and tell the truth about…

  • Crazy Talk from a Hippie Poet

    Crazy Talk from a Hippie Poet

    I recently taught on Ephesians 5 and how we are to walk in love, live as light, and love in unity. If that all sounds like hippie-poet talk, that is understandable because: I actually am a hippie poet. That is crazy talk and who knows what that all even means? However, I will be doing…

  • On Shame and Healing

    On Shame and Healing

    How does hiding ignite shame? How does honesty invite healing? I recently explored these questions with my friend Shannon as part of our Summer Book Club on Jesus Over Everything by Lisa Whittle. A few weeks ago, we had a great Instagram Live discussion on Lisa’s chapter 7: Honesty over Hiding. (If you missed Part…

  • On Sin and Hiding

    On Sin and Hiding

    How does hiding enable sin in our lives? How does honesty eradicate it? How does telling the truth invite light into our darkest corners? I recently explored these questions with my friend Shannon as part of our Summer Book Club on Jesus Over Everything by Lisa Whittle. A couple weeks ago, we had a wonderful…

  • On Truth and Purpose

    On Truth and Purpose

    How do we walk in truth and live with purpose? Our answers to these important questions shape our values, priorities, and even our eternity. If you have been following me on Instagram, you know that my church’s women’s ministry has been working through Jesus Over Everything by Lisa Whittle for our Summer Book Club. I…

  • once upon a time

    HOWDY STRANGER!!!  Hope you are well. I was thinking about you this morning and deeply missing the good ol’ days when I got to use my words for CREATING and CONNECTING instead of GRADING and GPA-ING. As you might remember, I used to do quite a bit of writing here and even had a few…

  • the when

    Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need. Matthew 6:33   As we continue to unpack what it means to be deeply rooted in relationship with God, we are looking closely at the basic principles of Christianity; the Who/What/When/Where/How/Why of faith.  So far, we have…

  • thanks, but no thanks.

    Thanksgiving is such a time of temptation for me.  And it’s not just the food, y’all. Let’s face it, our culture has done an excellent job creating approximately a bajillion distractions and things to stress and worry over during the holiday season.  When you combine all the visiting family members, the responsibility of large meal preparation,…

  • a song worth seeing

    As I mentioned in my last post, I was recently asked to review and blog about a movie that will be coming out September 26th called The Song.  This whole “reviewing things” is a niche I accidentally stumbled into after getting to guest blog with Jen Hatmaker and review her re-release of Interrupted in a little…

  • space

    God is using this 500 square foot trailer to change me. He is teaching me a lot about organizing and simplifying and prioritizing. But mostly He is teaching me about space. 500 s.f. isn’t just a whole lot of room folks. I mean, I can just about fry an egg on the stove from my…