Category: general

  • grateful

    I have so very much in my life to be thankful for.  It would take hours to list off all the ways God has blessed me; all those tangible little things I’ve been given to enjoy in this life.  And it would take even longer – eternity even –  for me to really wrap my mind…

  • lazybones

    I guess I didn’t realize Arkansas was pretty.  No offense if you are from there, but anytime someone mentioned Arkansas, I immediately pictured Bubbas and banjos and that old creepy movie Deliverance. So I was surprised to find that it is actually quite civilized and very very pretty there. My sister-in-law and her hubby have been going up…

  • yuck

    I’m finding out that I can sometimes be a pretty petty person.  This is a devastating thing to know about yourself. I don’t tolerate pettiness well in other people; in fact, it is a personal pet-peeve.  Pettiness feels a little overly-dramatic and small-picture to me.  Being around a petty person feels negative and kind of makes the petty person sound spoiled and…

  • fall

    I wait all year long for that morning; when the world somehow shifts outside my window, and overnight, a brand new world blows in.  Some people’s favorite day is Christmas, or their birthday, or some more remarkable calendar or card-worthy day.  But my favorite day of the year is the day that I open my…

  • hungry

    I love being hungry. Not physically of course (I don’t like THAT at all). I mean I love being spiritually hungry. I think faith has its seasons, or at lease mine seems to. There are times of hunger, times of growth, times of celebration and even times of quiet. They each have their place, their time, their…

  • thing

    I have a “thing.” This one itty-bitty thing that I go to for comfort when I probably shouldn’t. It’s not a big deal; really it’s not. It’s not like I do anything really bad. I just do my “thing.” Other people have things. Real things. They drink themselves into oblivion to feel happy. They stay…

  • radical

    I’m a “you’re not the boss of me” kind of girl.  I always have been.  I am the girl who, growing up, did the exact opposite of what I was told, every. single. time.  Lessons are learned well but the hard way when you live life like that.  I do not naturally have an obedient…

  • whining

    I can be such a whiner.  I can get up every morning and drink clean water and eat whatever I want and have a bed and a house and a husband and my health and my job and my family and my friends and my church and my dogs and my beautiful blessed life and…

  • space

    God is using this 500 square foot trailer to change me. He is teaching me a lot about organizing and simplifying and prioritizing. But mostly He is teaching me about space. 500 s.f. isn’t just a whole lot of room folks. I mean, I can just about fry an egg on the stove from my…

  • mountaintop

    Every September, my hubby and I pack up our gear and set off for a week in the mountains. To us, there is nothing more healing than that week of quiet, nothing more likely to salve the rough spots of our souls that the world has rubbed raw.  And every year on this trip I…