Category: writing

  • thing

    I have a “thing.” This one itty-bitty thing that I go to for comfort when I probably shouldn’t. It’s not a big deal; really it’s not. It’s not like I do anything really bad. I just do my “thing.” Other people have things. Real things. They drink themselves into oblivion to feel happy. They stay…

  • radical

    I’m a “you’re not the boss of me” kind of girl.  I always have been.  I am the girl who, growing up, did the exact opposite of what I was told, every. single. time.  Lessons are learned well but the hard way when you live life like that.  I do not naturally have an obedient…

  • mountaintop

    Every September, my hubby and I pack up our gear and set off for a week in the mountains. To us, there is nothing more healing than that week of quiet, nothing more likely to salve the rough spots of our souls that the world has rubbed raw.  And every year on this trip I…

  • stay

    My dog Woody is a service dog flunky. Try as he might, with all his smarts and tricks and personality, he just couldn’t make the cut. Originally chosen by Texas Hearing and Service Dogs to go into the program because of his aptitude to learn and obey, he spent nearly a year there and came…

  • crossroads

    you guys are such troopers. each week, you have diligently read on and on (while i droned on and on) in these long dramatic posts. so this week, let’s keep it short and sweet and simple. here’s a quick little song i wrote that i mentioned inthe blog and at church last week. not my…

  • fear

    I learned to be afraid when I was 4 years old. It was a culmination of things, really – that happened that year. My father was drinking and using more heavily than ever, and despite my mother’s best efforts to have his visitation rights revoked because of his history of violence, I still had to visit…

  • still

    And it’s hard to explain how I feel It won’t go in words but I know that it’s real I can be moving or I can be still But still is still movin’ to me Willie Nelson    This house makes 35 – YEP you read me right –35 houses- that I have lived in…

  • coal (3)

    coal, part 3 read coal (1) read coal (2) … Now let me qualify this. I did not sing a glorious song of praise to the King of Creation in a pitch perfect falsetto. Not even close. I stink at singing. Perhaps I will get to sing in a heavenly choir someday, but here on earth, I am not…

  • coal (2)

    coal, part 2 read coal (1) …So I began to pour myself out to God in prayer. I went systematically down that list and I began to give each of those failures to God. And as I did, He began to minister to me.  He began to bring to my mind scriptures that reminded me…

  • coal (1)

    coal, part 1 I would still consider myself a “baby-Christian.” I have not been doing this Jesus thing all that long. I am struggling still with some of the qualities that go with Christianity; things like patience, virtue, and selfcontrol. I practiced life for a pretty long time the other way, so such godly attributes do…