

I am a lover of world.

and yet not conformed by it.

I love all our Creator has created because everything has been created by His hand and for His glory;

nature, people, animals, the very hand of God…

We live in a broken world, this is true.

There is suffering and deception and sadness and sickness and “the world” will tell us lies and lead us astray if we let it.

And yet our world is also strangely strong and beautiful- so full of hope

and passion and faith and truth, even in the face of all that brokenness.

It is the place where we are all both shattered and healed-

stripped down to nothing and then driven by our thirst for truth, which is everything.

The world is the place where God moves in and through us;

where His hand extends, always open, to His very own people.

It is where his craftsmanship is tangible in nature, and his love is present in community.

World is the enemy of God and yet the very reason He exists.

It is where we all seek and fight and love and discover Him together;

bound as His creation and united in a quest for something more.

I am a lover of world.


words world music ministrymusicministry